Here at Christ Church C of E Primary School, the Local Authority is responsible for managing the admissions process. To ensure the best chance to secure a place at our school, it is essential that you meet the admissions criteria of our school as closely as possible. If you are applying on religious grounds remember to complete the required form or write expressing your reasons for applying on these grounds.
Children must, by law, start school at the beginning of the term after their fifth birthday. However, children usually start school in the September in which they have their fifth birthday.
To apply for a primary school place in September 2024/2025, change schools mid-year please contact Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council.
You can contact the admissions department by telephone on 0121 569 6765 or look on their website.
For all those wishing to appeal for a reception place in 2024 please note that in order to guarantee an appeal hearing being heard before the summer holidays the appeal forms must be submitted to the school by 1st May 2024. Appeals are handled by the Diocese (see timetable below).
Sandwell admissions do not however process applications for Nursery. If you are interested in a Nursery place, please speak to the school office and complete the attached form.
Nursery registration form