School and church working together

As a Church of England Primary School, part of the Birmingham Diocese, we have a strong commitment to ensure that pupils at Christ Church have the opportunity to flourish. Believing that human beings are ‘created in the image of God’ (Genesis 1.27), we believe that Christ Church C of E Primary School is a place where children learn and grow to become more fully what we were created to be.

As part of our curriculum, we endeavour to work alongside Christ Church, Reverend Arif Anees, The Ladywood Interfaith Education Project and St. John’s Church in Langley to create and provide opportunities to enrich the children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.


Todays Prayer



In Him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit - Ephesians 2:22

Some of the ways in which we work together include: 

  • Church visits to Christ Church and St. John’s Church as part of the RE and wider curriculum 
  • A chaplaincy service is provided by Reverend Arif Anees for the school community
  • Reverend Arif Anees regularly leads and supports worship sessions and shares his creative approach and teachings with the school
  • Prayer space takes part half termly at Christ Church
  • Sensory Church takes place regularly at Christ Church
  • Members of the church are on our Governing Body.


Please use the following links to find more out about news from the church and Diocese:


Christ Church CE Facebook Page ( 


Christ Church Website (


Diocese of Birmingham - Church Schools Website (


Sensory Church takes place each month at the Shine Centre. Please use the following link to find out more information.