Eco Council

We at Christ Church C of E Primary School are committed to the environment and try our best to care for our school. It is for this reason we have formed an Eco-Committee made up of pupils and a teacher. We have worked very hard to produce an Eco-code, an audit of the site and an action plan on how we can improve our school and the environment. We have regular meetings to discuss issues and certain year groups have done a lot of work on the environment during their PSHE lessons. Eco school also links to our other curriculum areas such as Science and Geography lessons. 


What is an Eco- School?
• Being an eco-school means caring for the whole world environment as well as the school environment:- “Thinking globally - acting locally’’
• An eco-school runs projects which can help the school and local environment.


Why is it necessary?
• We all need to contribute to looking after the environment.
• Everyone doing a small bit eventually adds up to a major difference.
• We need to raise environmental awareness in others.


What we have done?

  • We have litter pickers who go out daily to keep our school grounds clean.
  • We have been trying to raise the awareness of plastic pollution by having plastic free lunches. 
  • We have introduced a travel tracker that enables children to log how they came to school. The incentive is to walk to school so that children can earn badges. 
  • We have written an Eco- Code and a class 'promise' to ensure we know our responsibilities.
  • We have also made other posters for our environment, eg. Don’t drop litter and walk to school.
  • We have an Action Plan and have undertaken an audit of the site.
  • We have bins in many other different places, eg. the field, so that we can keep the school litter free.