Our School

Christ Church Primary School is a Church of England Voluntary Aided School in the centre of Oldbury in the West Midlands. In September 2012 we increased our Reception class admissions to 60, and completed the transition to 2 forms in 2018. We have a vibrant Nursery catering for up to 70 pupils and offering 30 hours’ provision.  In 2015 we added our Focus Provision for Autistic Spectrum Disorder pupils. 


The school has a reputation for having a welcoming, caring family atmosphere and our staff know the pupils and their families well. We are proud of the links and mutual support nurtured between school, home and the local community. 


Whilst part of Sandwell Local Education Authority, being a Church of England Voluntary Aided school means that the Diocese of Birmingham owns our buildings and our governing body has the majority of its members appointed by the Diocese. The special and unique ethos of the school is underpinned by its Christian character. We have Christian assemblies, we say grace before lunch and end each day with the school prayer. We encourage and model moral behaviours.


Many of our families choose our school because of its church status and we have a large number of Muslim and Sikh pupils. All of the children are welcome here in the school whether they come from a Christian family, a family of a different faith, or a family with no particular faith background. The same is true of staff. Christ Church is a place where all can flourish and where children (and adults) have the opportunities to learn about the Christian faith, but to have the chance to practise their family faith without fear of prejudice or bullying.


School Prospectus

Paper copies of all the information on the website is available from the school office upon request.